I have made some pretty good progress on the mystery project since my last post, however it was not without some difficulty, largely with my table saw. Last weekend was a long weekend for Memorial Day. I also took a 1/2 day off from work that Friday. I got through most of what I planned on finishing that Friday, when the belt on the Table Saw shredded. That stopped me for that evening, but the next day I got a new belt for the saw, and was back working. Saturday I didn’t get too much done as we went to a family event. Sunday and Monday I made a lot more progress and was getting close to being able to glue up the first two panels, when I noticed the table saw was literally jumping around when starting and stopping it, and was making a lot of noise. Started looking things over when I realized the pulley on the arbor split! Between figuring out how to get the pulley off and getting a new ordered and delivered, I was down till yesterday (Friday). Last night I got the new pulley on the saw, made sure everything was lined up, did a few other checks, and squared everything up again. At this point, the saw is running great, better then ever. I will keep my fingers crossed that it stays this way!