Shop and Site updates

Published on by Mike

First, I wanted to mention my newest shop update.  I had been finding myself more and more carting my primary laptop out to the the shop.  Now, a shop isn’t the best place for a computer, especially when it is being placed in any available flat surface.  The first problem is that it would get covered with sawdust.  I don’t know how many times I would come back in, and have to work on getting a piece of saw dust  jammed under a key, they having to clean it out.  Next, their was risk to the computer itself.  First, my shop is in a garage that door is typically open in the warmer months while working.  While I live in a good area, there is always risk that the computer could walk away.  Next their was always a risk of the computer getting damaged or destroyed by either a projectile off of a saw or getting knocked on the concrete floor.  After thinking it through, I decided to resurrect an old laptop that needed a hard drive.  Fortunately I was able to get one very cheaply.  I got it on there, and got the OS reinstalled on it (plus 200 windows updates to go with it!) .  Software wise, I put on the chat client I use for The Woodwhisperer chat room, current browsers, SketchUp (I draw all my project plans on that now), and ustream producer, so I can stream while in the shop.  (Believe it or not, people DO watch!)

Between the mouse click of getting everything installed on that computer, I built a small shelf out in the garage for it.  The shelf is up high, probably 6’5″ off the ground.  The was to address, a protecting it from flying objects and to help keep it away from the dust.  It will still get dusty, but I will hit with the shop vac to help with that.  Next I had an old 17″ flat panel laying around, along with a wall mount arm for a TV which we ended up never using.  So I mounted the monitor up on the wall, up high as well, for the same reasons as the computer, but also so I can see it comfortably while standing (I am 6’2″).  Finally I setup some old speakers (bought them for college nearly 15 years ago) so I could have some music from playing while I am out working.  Finally I got a cheap wireless keyboard and mouse.  Frankly they are junk, but they are good enough out the shop.  I spent well under a $100 for the setup, and it is well worth it!  Plus, with everything being old or cheap, if anything disappears or gets destroyed, I am not out a whole lot.

One quick site update, it was pointed out to me today that comments were not working.  I did not realize this, because commenting on my site is like calling my own cell phone, I never do it.  Most of the comments I get here are spam, and I have spam filters in place, and I just assumed that it was working.  Anyway, I figured out which plug-ins were causing it, and they have since been deactivated, so feel free to leave a comment on any of my posts!  😀

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