Today I have reached a milestone on my blog, the 100th post!
When I started this blog nearly 4 years ago, I felt like a total newbie when it came to my woodworking. I have looked back on some of my projects, some turned out well, others….. well they were a great learning experience! 🙂 Awhile back I thought about changing the name of the blog to something not so “newbie”. However, I took the time to reflect on what the purpose of this blog is for, what it means to me, and most importantly what it is for my readers. This blog is about trying new things, pushing ones skills, and making something out of nothing. In a way, that is what a newbie is, someone who is trying something new to learn from it. So regardless of my skill level, I feel that SawdustNewbie is still very relevant for what I am trying to accomplish.
So where do I go from here? Most definitely I will continue trying new things, both in the shop and for the blog. This includes more video! I have a few ideas lined up for videos that will come in the near future, but if there is anything you want to see, post in the comments below.
While I don’t want this, or any of my posts about making money, I do still think it is worthwhile, I have started looking into selling some projects I have made. Any sales I make will go right back into my woodworking or this blog. Currently I have a very small Etsy store, but I am exploring other avenues as well.
Finally, but most importantly, thank you for taking the time to read my blog! I enjoy my time in my shop and I find it encouraging that I am able to share my experiences so that you can enjoy time in your shop as well! To all my readers a huge THANK YOU! Looking forward to the next 100 posts!
Congrats. Will it take you 4 more years to reach 200?
Thanks Accidental WoodWorker. I try to get 2 posts out a month, so it is possible that it could take 4 years for the next 100. However, as I try to incorporate more video content, it is possible that number could increase. Thank you for your support!